Cheap flights from Zurich to Mumbai, India from €331!

Cheap flights from Zurich to Mumbai, India from €331!Star Alliance member Turkish Airlines offers an excellent deal for travelers in Switzerland planning to visit India still this winter season. If you can depart from Zurich to Mumbai in next two months you can book return flights with one layover from just €331 return! Fare is inclusive of checked luggage as well as all taxes, meals and handbag.



Turkish Airlines offers the cheapest flights when departing from Zurich to Mumbai from the 27th of January to11th of March 2020. Max stay for 1 month. Promo tariff with Turkish Airlines airlines is available until the 19th of February or price is valid until the cheapest flights have sold out. You can also compare all the cheapest travel dates at the website of Turkish Airlines. If interested you can refer to our below booking and travel date samples.


Booking sample

Zurich – Mumbai from €368  (Book with Turkish Airlines)

Zurich – Mumbai from €331


Travel samples

27.1. – 12.2.

8. – 23.2.

10. – 25.2.

15.2. – 2.3.

21.2. – 6.3.

29.2. – 15.3.

6. – 20.3.

8. – 23.3.

11. – 25.3.


Booking sample of cheap flights from Zurich to Mumbai, India from €331! Outbound from Switzerland to this country in Asia on the 8th of March. Inbound from Bombai back to Zurich on the 18th of March 2020.

Cheap flights from Zurich to Mumbai, India from €331!

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